Archived page.
This is an archived copy of my old (academic) homepage formerly hosted at Chalmers. It is no longer being updated.
Go to the new page.
- LP2 13/14: Lab assistant in TDA361 - Computer Graphics.
- I additionally held the lectures 3 (Shading + Antialiasing) and 5 (OpenGL) as Ulf was on parental leave.
- LP1 12/13: Developed/Updated TCP programming lab in EDA387.
- LP3 11/12: Teaching Assistant in EDA480/EDA485.
- LP2 11/12: Lab assistant in TDA361 - Computer Graphics.
- LP1 11/12: Developed TCP programming lab in EDA387/DIT661 - Computer Networks
- Link to source code downloads for the various programs used in the BSD Network API Lab.
- LP3 10/11: Teaching Assistant in
EDA480/EDA485 - Machine Oriented Programming CS/Z.
- The GETTIME assembler routine can still be found
- LP1 10/11: Lab assistant in EDA386 - Internet Technology.
- LP1 10/11: Lab assistant in TDA361 - Computer Graphics.
- LP1 10/11: Lab assistant in
DAT210 - Introduction to C-Programming
- LP3 09/10: Teaching Assistant in
EDA480/EDA485 - Machine Oriented Programming CS/Z.
- Old information for the extra C-programming
assignment can still be found
- LP1 09/10: Lab assistant in
DAT210 - Introduction to C-Programming
- LP1 09/10: Lab assistant in
- Internet Technology
- LP3 08/09: Teaching Assistant EDA485/EDA480 for CS and Z
- LP2 08/09: Teaching Assistant TIN211, Computer Programming for
- LP1 08/09: Lab assistant EDA386, Internet Technology
- LP2 07/08: Teaching Assistant TIN211, Computer Programming for
- Various occasions: Lab assistant for "Datorintroduction" (Introduktion to UNIX/Chalmers
computer systems)
A year at Chalmers University is divided into four periods,
called "läsperiod" one through four: LP1 - LP4. LP1 starts in late
august or during september. LP3 starts after New Year.
Each LP is divided into eight (or nine) study-weeks ("läsvecka");
the last study-week (i.e. LV8 or LV9) is also the exam-week.