Interactively Modifying Compressed Sparse Voxel Representations

Interactively Modifying Compressed Sparse Voxel Representations


Code is now available on GitHub in the HashDAG repository. Links to pre-voxelized scenes (including the Epic Citadel scene shown in the videos) are included in the README.

Feel free to direct questions either at myself or Victor Careil (@Phyronnaz).


  • Teaser video
  • Eurographics Talk (starts at roughly 4:10). The talk covers the fundamentals of the editing method and presents some of the results. See paper for additional details.

Supplementary Material

The supplementary material (PDF) contains some additional measurements w.r.t. copying voxels. Specifically, we include benchmarks for an alternative implementation of the copy (i.e., without decompressing the source volume), and show that the source voxel volume can be transformed on the fly during a copy.